Mind's Eye Publications
Mind's Eye Publications™ is a purveryor of Speculative Literature and Illustration across the several genres of the High Imagination: Adventure, Detection & Mystery, Fantasy, Horror & the Supernatural, and Science Fiction.
Mind's Eye publishes the semi-annual JOURN-E: The Journal of Imaginative Literature on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes each year. In addition to JOURN-E, Mind's Eye publishes themed anthologies in these several genres and the occasional collection of poetry or short fiction by individual authors.
Welcome to the Mind's Eye Publications web pages.

MEP Banner by Paul "Mutartis" Boswell
Our Mission
Mind's Eye Publications seeks to enrich the field of Speculative Literature by providing a regular journal covering the realms of the High Imagination: Adventure, Detection & Mystery, Fantasy, Horror & the Supernatural, and Science Fiction and the production of themed anthologies in these same genres.
In addition to publications initiated by Mind's Eye (JOURN-E and various themed anthologies), we will also publish work by individual authors and poets. Chapbooks and collections are available and will be forthcoming.
JOURN-E: The Journal of Imaginative Literature is a semi-annual journal covering the several genres of the Creative Imagination and Speculative Literature noted in our Mission Statement.
This pentapartite journal is published in both print and digital form on the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes each year. CALLS for SUBMISSION are made from 1 J February through the month of February and from 1 August through 31 August for the respective issues.
A FREE SAMPLER in digital form of each issue (PDF ) is published at the same time as the full publications.
Themed Anthology
Mind's Eye Publications has published the first two themed anthologies in the Horror & Supernatural Genre, with two more planned and scheduled.
—THE GARGOYLICON: Imaginings & Images of the Gargoyle in Literature and Art
—THE VAMPIRICON: Imaginings & Images of the Vampire.
—THE LYCANTHROPICON: Imaginings and Images of the Werewolf.
One more planned anthology:
—THE PHANTOMICON: Imaginings & Images of Ghosts CALL projected for late 2024 or early 2025..
Click on our SUBMISSIONS link in the menu bar to be directed to our page of Guidelines and news of any curretn or forthcoming Calls for Submissions.
In addition, complete Submission &Formatting Requirements are provided on that page.
Both JOURN-E and themed anthologies will have Limited Calls (both in days of Open Submission AND in Quotas of Maximum Number of Submissions prior to potential early cut-offs of submissions. The latter is likely, so answering any Call as early as possible is recommended.